Friday, June 26, 2009

Fuel for your Mind

It's necessary to fuel your body, physically, for the training and for proper recovery.
It's also as important to fuel your body, mentally.
There is a functional link between physiology and psychology.

"The secret of great runners is not after all in their stride.
It lies in the power they gather inside themselves on the starting block,
before they take the first step. "

"Don't ever accept any one's preconceived limitations.
If there is something you want to do, there isn't any reason you can't do it. "

"Winning is never having to say I quit. "

"A runner who wishes to get strong must make use of the strength he has.
The more he gives, the more he will get."

"Feel worthwhile as a runner.
Feel proud of yourself as a runner.
You strive to do your best just like the elites up front."

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